Duration: 4 hours

Length: 4.5 km

Village: Tsevlo

Time: May-October

The starting point of the route is v. Tsevlo (35 km from Bezhanitsy).

The length of the route is 4.5 km.

Time to get to and from the trail is 1.5 hours.

Trail time - 3 hours.

The period is from May to October.

The number of people in the group is from 3 to 6.

Conducted by appointment only!

Book a tour

Cost of the tour: 2000 ru/person

The eco-trail "Plavnitskoe bog" is a trademark of the Polistovsky Reserve. It is a trip along the edge of one of the largest in Europe Polistovo-Lovatskaya raised bogs system. Along the whole route the trail is equipped with wooden bridges and does not require any special preparation. Visiting the " Plavnitskoe bog " is accompanied by a guide, who will show and tell a lot of interesting things. Tourists are transported to the beginning of the trail by cross-country vehicles.

The trail passes through different kinds of bogs - lowland, transitional and uphill, introduces travelers to mineral islands, leads through thickets of black alder, called Russian mangroves, and crosses the picturesque valley of the Plavnitsa River.

The trail runs over sphagnum mosses, which cover the bogs as a colorful carpet. You can enjoy their endless expanse from a nine-meter observation tower on one of the islands.

One of the features of sphagnum mosses is their ability to disinfect water. Drinking water from the high marsh is part of the route's health program. It also includes calming relaxations on the Menyanthes marshes, where the thin but firm carpet of grass covers the abyss beneath your feet.